This recipe is from the book "
Süßes aus dem Sacher" and was shared by
Sophia. I've made this Sachertorte not only once, and the reason I haven't post on my blog is because I totally screwed up the appearance of this cake. It is hard for me pouring the glaze on the cake to make a flat-shiny coating. I'm kind of awkward to make the glaze well-distributed. This time, still not doing well on making the glaze...Well, I hope one day I could make perfect glaze for the cake in order to change the picture in above.
I have to confess that the cake which I made this time is not "sacher"-torte which it used to be since I used
Christine Ferber's oranges maltaises to be the filling...well, I'm kind of crazy for the combination of orange and chocolate!
In spite of the appearance, the cake was epic! It's amazing when you serve with whipped cream and a cup of black coffee. Although the crust is super sweet, the whole cake doesn't make you taste unpleasantly, I just can't help taking one bite from another.
I like this.
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