I love soft serve more than any other ice dessert, expecially in deep and rich milk flavor(without vanilla).
The smelling of vanilla is great, but I like the soft serve which is with purist milk flavor more. And because of the soft texure, I usually enjoy it with the way that lip it at the begining and then gradually pressing the cream into deep inside the cone with my tongue so that later every bite of the cone would accompany cream...
Besides the flavor and texure, One of the reasons that I'm crazy for soft serve is its appearance, it just look irrisistable for me.
I used to use icecream maker to make soft serve (or maybe I should call it sobert?), and the best timing to have it is the time it has just been done. It tastes soft, creamy and airy...However, after storing in the freezer, it can't be avoided that part of sobert might be crystallization. Thus, I usually use it to make icecream sandwich.