I've bought "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes" for a while, but I seldom used the recipes in it. There are two reasons, one is that I enjoy every single step of making bread including kneading and folding, the other reason is that I like my bread tastes "chewy" and "elastic". The bread come out from AB5in usually soft or gummy but not chewy. Moreover, they are usually getting dry quickly. I don't know if I do something wrong that makes these problem...Anyway, resently I read someone's blog which mentioned that she felt regret for buying Brioche from the store since it didn't taste better than the Brioche that made by herself using the recipe in ABin5. That arouse my curiosity again...simple recipe with easy direction, what am I waiting for?
I used Brioche dough to make cinnamon rolls that are my parents' favorite. The smelling as they were baking made you feel like in the heaven, and I was unable to resist having a bite when these cute little roll just came out. (Actually, they are huge~) They are really good...soft, warm and palatable. Although they are not "chewy" and "elastic", they are delicious. For me, they are like cake more than bread~So, next time I prefer to enjoy them as a dessert rather than breakfast!