沒有那種扎實綿密的濃鬱的口感,還真無法吸引我呢 :p
這個實驗室今天就要來實驗非cream cheese所作的cheesecake的版本!
Just like other people said, the texure of this cake is a little bit granular...
I think it is because I didn't smash the cottage cheese in the blender very well, forgot to sieve it after blending. But the outcome still suprises me...expecially serve the cake when it is hot!
Next time I will change a little the directions - shorten the baking time, use bath wash to bake them and seperate the egg, beat the egg white until stiff peaks form... See if the cake be more creamy just like using cream cheese!
- cottage cheese 3/8 cup
- yogurt 1/3 cup
- flour 1/2 tbsp
- sugar 1 tbsp
- salt 1/8 tsp
- egg 1
- zest/juice of 1/2 lemon
- fruit