This recipe adapted from PR's "100% whole wheat sandwich bread" become my favorite! It's simple, easy and fast to make. The most important is that it's 100% whole wheat but not dense at all. I like the smell and the texure that can be tasted with lots of fiber. But some of people who are used to eat the bread with high gluten, like my parents, might not be like this bread~
I use 50% whole wheat pastry flour and 50% whole wheat flour so that it won't get too soft. The book says that you can also use this recipe to make rolls... well, I did it and I have to say that they're not that good as sandwich loaf to eat. The best way to enjoy the bread for me is to make it as a loaf, slice it and paste with jelly or jam, bliss.
Hi Mil,
回覆刪除just got your other info. Did you mean 10 F or 10 C? If you meant F, that is freezing, so you need more time to proof it. If it C, I would assume that should not be over proof.