Although it looks not pretty at all, it is really tasty! It tasted not too sweet and have a little bit sour flavor, it's good to eat in summer time! The only fly in the ointment is the texture of blueberry frozen yogurt - the texure was not creamy at all because of using not enough yogurt, it was more like sobert.
for chocolate cake
- egg yolks 8
- chocolate 40 g
- milk 2 tsp
- egg whites 8
- sugar 70 g
- cocoa powder 40 g
Beat egg yolks until it gets pale and thick. Melt chocolate with milk, add into egg yolks and make the mixure well-combined and thick, set aside. Beat egg whites and sugar until soft peak, then mixing with cocoa powder. Mix mixure of egg yolks and egg whites. 170 degree C / water bath / 15~40 min(depend on how thick the cake you want to bake).
for blueberry frozen yogurt
- frozen blueberry 100g
- yogurt 75 g (next time I will try to increase to 1/2~2/3 cup)
- rum 1/2 T
- egg whites 2
- sugar 35 g
- water 35 g
Smash the blueberry. Make meringue. Fold blueberry in meringue and then fold the mixure in to yogurt. Pour in to ice cream maker.
(Next time I will add gelatin to blueberry first, like the process to make mousse, see if it would come out better result.)
